
Dead souls

Is it normal to dream about dead people? It's the second time that it happened to me last night. The night before last night, it was a dream about a terrorists' attack in a fictional town. Dead people everywhere, people running around, and as I left my flat in my dream, there were still bombs crashing into buildings, exploding and killing another 100 people. And it felt so real. I remember running in search for the safest place for me to be in that moment which -i really don't know why- was in Chester's arms. It was the first person I found. Well, it was more like... yourself in the dream knew why and yourself in the dream knew where to run to but your reality self didn't know anything. It was like sitting in front of your TV and watching yourself running for your dear life. It was scary. When I woke up, I literally sat in my bed, eyes widened and in shock. It took me a few minutes to realize that it was just a dream.
Last night, another dream of that sort. First, it was about a very weird Meet&Greet. Me, walking up the stairs to reach the table (b/c the m&g was in a staircase oO if that has any symbolic meaning, let me know!). It was a very weird M&G, I don't even remember it, I only remember hanging out with the guys in a mall later. Then, everything went very fast, it was like sitting a roller coaster. I only remember hospital beds, spirals, well, like falling down a spiral, standing on the roof of a very high building, a pool with blood instead of water, dead bodies, little girls sitting next to their dead mothers (or grandmothers in some cases). And then everything went black in the dream, like heavy dark clouds moving closer together. The next day (in the dream) I woke up in a hospital bed. Somehow I remembered having an appointment with Mike and Rob, so I left the hospital (what no one noticed) and already knew that I was too late. By the time I found them, they were very pissed at me. I still don't know why the appointment was so important but it must've been important, very important since Rob was snapping at me for being late and that they had to do everything on their own again. Maybe he meant hanging up posters on walls and buildings because that was what Mike was doing. I walked over to Mike who was yelling at a little girl and punching her in the face. The kid ran away, bleeding like hell. Rob wanted me to apologize to Mike for being late, so I went closer to him, and as I was standing right next to him, I apologized and smiled and said that I would help them now. But it seemed worthless because he turned around and walked away, murmuring "mhm...forget about it". And the scariest part about it was the smell that left his mouth while speaking, he smelled of alcohol and cigarettes and i really smelled it, maybe not only in the dream...

Well, maybe no one is interested in my dreams but I thought I blog about it since "Dead souls" by NIN reminded me of the dreams.
Anyways... has anyone heard of Chester being in hospital again?

2 Kommentare:

  1. Try to relax... dreams are... like a mirror to your soul. Calm down. Or so.... I dunno

  2. Okay, I have just passed my time by trying to interpret some things for you, but first I wanted to ask you if I should send it to you per mail or publish it here, because it's a lot that I wrote...
