
My weekend + LP high school?

I feel stupid. It's not the first fansite I own, it's like the third I think. And it's not the first site I own, I work on, I update. But still I get the feeling, every time I am supposed to do something that I don't know anything about sites and updating. I feel so dumb each time. Last time I was expected to do something, I did it wrong. However I thought that it was okay because it made it easier to look over the way I posted and commented it. But it was still wrong. So I think that I don't know as much as I think about sites and stuff. No offense. I still love what you do for the site!

The other thing I want to blog about is kind of funny, naive and stupid. I don't care. This came to my mind while watching "Live in Texas" at 3.30am with too much caffeine and the weird feeling of being too awake to sleep and too tired to stay awake.
Well, I thought about the 6 years of being a fan of Linkin Park, about how things have changed, about me having a crush on Mike when LIT was released about 5 years ago. About how it all has started, how much I have learned and what I've become. It feels like I've graduated. Like I'm now ready to walk onto the field and start fighting (haha, Street Soldier, LOL), like I'm now ready to represent my favorite band. Because that's what our job is about, representing our band in the most efficient way, if it's through art, writings, hanging up posters everywhere, wearing the band's merch or just telling someone else about the band. This only goes for people who committed themselves to LP.
Maybe it's what we believe in, maybe this our "holy being" we like to believe in and we sacrifice for. Maybe there's a reason why we work so hard for them, why we spend so much time in supporting them. Maybe it's our way to say thank you. And maybe, yes, maybe we work so hard to keep it going because we know that if we stop working that hard to keep the LP system running, it'd come to an early end, maybe a disastrous end. And no one wants this to happen, so we do whatever we can to prevent it from happening. What is a band that does everything possible for their fans, that has only become so huge because of their fans, without their fans? Nothing. Well, at least not as huge as they used to be.
The actual thing that I came up with while watching LIT was the image of an LP school. It's funny and silly, but I do like the idea. Only an foolish idea, only an image in my head. But how would a school like this look like? First of all, the goal of this school would be training "kids" to become "Street Soldiers" (would require a new deffiniton of the term), means people who are able to promote LP without doing it for the money but wholeheartedly though. So there would be basic classes like for example "band history", "lyrics (class)", "behavior", "discography" & "videography" and other classes you can choose on your own like "fanart", "promotion" and "music" and there'd be trips to the concerts and other celebrations, like the anniversary of Hybrid Theory's release.
Further explanations on the classes:
* band history - speaks for itself, I think
* lyrics (class) - teaching you the lyrics so you can sing along at concerts ;) and background informations on the lyrics
* behavior - how to behave at concerts: don't risk to kill your fellow fans only to get closer to Mike or Chester, learn to respect their privacy, don't claim them as your property (because they're not), etc.
* discography and videography - it's mostly about the meaning of the videos and any other informations on the albums, songs, videos, process of making them and other details
* fanart - drawing the logos and maybe even cd covers and everything else that has to do with it
* promotion - how do i best set up a fansite? what do i have to focus on, what's important and what's not? where do i best hang up a poster? (since there ppl who think that the best place to hang up a concert poster is at the venue instead of in the city)
* music - learning to play the songs ;)

Any other ideas? Anything I left out?

Third topic: I am still tired. Been to a festival last night, only to see two bands but it was so exhausting. At least the first one. But it was great. ;) Had a lot of fun with my best friends!

Edit: Funny, I even spent half an hour on writing the idea down.

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