
New haircut.

Short, maybe even too short but they don't look good this way. >< let's wait until tomorrow. I'm so fucking unphotogenic!

And look what I found:

The only good one I could find on my PC. Haha. Good ones...

4 Kommentare:

  1. Awww my beautiful girl *.*

  2. Britta's Hair evolves into... Emo Helmet! *damdamdam* :D
    But I already told you my opinion, I still like your Emo Helmet ;D

  3. XD thank ya!
    erinnerst mich grad an eine LPTV Episode, wo die Hairlmet oder sowas sagen XD" Wegen Brads 'fro

    Aber danke XD freut mich, dass es dir gefällt XDD und solange es ne schwarz und bunte streife oder punkte hat, isses gar ne mal soooo emo XD
